Helllllooooo everyone! :)
I'm so excited for this tag!! If you haven't figured out already, I LOOOVE tags!! Haha, I hope you guys enjoy this :)
aaah! so cute!! haha ^^ |
Soo yeah, I was tagged by FashionGoddess from Thrift O' Clock! You should all go follow her blog! I really like it!!
Alright, let's start now :)
1. Each person tagged must post 11 random posts about themselves.
2. They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger.
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers.
4. They must tag 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5. The bloggers must be told.
6. No tag backs.
1 1 R A N D O M F A C T S A B O U T M E
1. I don't crack my fingers like most people..I bend them backwards to crack them..haha! Some people find that super weird!
2. I have a pretty severe addiction to cheese..
3. I'm scared of almost everything, but my 2 biggest fears are sharks and growing old..
4. I'm actually a French Canadian and go to a French school and all my family is French..But I much prefer English!
4. I HATE my name in French, but actually don't mind it in English! Haha
5. I'm ALWAYS cold..
6. The 28th of January will be my third year anniversary of being VEGETARIAN!! Yay mee!!
7. Oddly enough, I NEVER plan my outfits..
8. I only liked watching the London Olympics this summer because of Michael Phelps..Hahaha!!
9. As much as I love Canada, I'm DYING to move to the US!
10. I like drinking red juices because it makes me feel like a vampire! Hahaha
11. I actually think I'm a vampire! I'm super pale, my skin stings whenever it's in direct sunlight, I never turn on any lights when I'm home alone because light hurts my eyes, and my "fang teeth" (I don't know how you call them..canines maybe? I really don't know) are actually super pointy and I've cut myself several times running my tongue across them...hahahahahha!!
1 1 Q U E S T I O N S F A S H I O N G O D D E S S A S K E D M E
1. What's your all time favorite meal?
I actually don't have one particular meal I enjoy more than others..I actually like trying new things better!
2. Which song represents your life right now?
Oooh, I really like this question...Let me think..I'd say Fix You by Coldplay, but not because it's sad or anything, just because of when he says "when you feel so tired, but you can't sleep..stuck in reverse" because lately, I just CAN'T fall asleep! Haha
3. Which country would you like to visit?
Umm...Ireland! Well, The Republic Of Ireland I guess, because I would reeeeally like to see Dublin.
4. Holy grail makeup product?
Just one?! haha, okay, uuuh, probably L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes mascara because it's the only mascara I've entirely finished more than once! Yes, that's right ladies, I just finished the tube I got a few months ago...so sad! Haha, but no worries, I've repurchased it...again!
5. If you could steal one celebrity's wardrobe, whose would it be and why?
Kendall Jenner's! Omg, the styyyyle!!! She's always wearing outfits I wish I could have to myself..I've never disliked anything she ever wore! Plus she's tall, and I'm tall, so I figure I would fit in most of her clothes! Hahaha!
6. What is something you are proud of about yourself?
I'm proud of myself for writing this blog! I finally found something I actually like doing: writing! I always like writing in school and everything, but ever since I started blogging, it's really become a passion!
7. Which websites do you go one everyday?
CollegeFashion.net! I LOVE that blog!!! It's actually my home page when I open google chrome! Haha. I also check twitter everyday, and I'm kind of obsessed with checking my blogger too! Facebook, not so much, I kind of hate facebook and only check it on my phone or IPod when I have notifications..And last but not least..this is gonna sound so nerdy, but dictionary.com! Hahahaha! I always have words to look up for either spelling or pronunciation (since I'm French and sometimes I read new words and don't know how to pronounce them! haha!)
8. What is your guilty pleasure?
Oh my gosh! I have soooo many!!! Ummm, alright, I'll just name a few: Victorious, The Vampire Diaries, Pop music, ICarly, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, I could really go ooon and ooon, but I'll stop myself right now.
9. What's the 1 thing you can't live without in Autumn/Winter?
Hot chocolate..period!
10. Do you prefer chocolate or jelly sweets?
Does licorice count as jelly sweets? If so, jelly sweets! I'm OBSESSED WITH TWIZZLERS!! Teehee
11. What do you love most about blogging?
The response I get from my readers/followers! Just the fact that I can talk on and on about a makeup product and won't get judged is amazing to me! Haha, but everyone's comments just make any day 100% better! Like, seriously, I'm pretty sure I'd be depressed without everyone who comments!!
1. How would you describe your style?
2. Do you wear highlighter? If so, which is your favorite?
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how addicted are you to nail polish?
4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. What is your favorite childhood movie?
6. What is your favorite song of the moment?
7. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be and why?
8. What is your dream job? (DREAM job, not realistically thinking job! haha)
9. Do you have any pets? If so , how many do you have and what are they (dog, cat, crocodile? haha kidding!)
10. If you won 1 million dollars today, what would be your first purchase?
11. If you could travel back in time, what year would you like to visit and why?
Maya (Spider Leg Lashes)
Lucy (Lucy Loves...)
Angie (Angie B)
Kate (Yakatey Yak)
Rhiannon (Everything But The Kitchen Sink)
Ellie (EllieBea)
Zara (Bows and Pearls)
Robyn (Beauty School Drop-In)
Anna (And This Little Piggy)
I really enjoy reading all of the bloggers above, and I think you should all go follow them!! :)
I have a pretty special post planned for either tomorrow or Thursday or Friday (depending on the amount of homework I have..haha!), so stay tuned for that :) I'll also put up my October Favorites sometimes soon!
Thanks for all the love everyone has given me (..that sounded kind of weird...sorry..hahaha!!)
xox, myr <3